It's a lot more productive to work with China.

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Completely agree

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Sep 9Liked by Cyrus Janssen

Cyrus, China can do this because the United States and NATO allies are having to foot the bill to fight China's buddy Russia in Ukraine. You do realize that as of 2024, the total aid from the U.S. to Ukraine since the beginning of the war in 2022 has reached approximately $175 billion. This includes military, economic, and humanitarian assistance. How much has China given to stop the aggression by Russia? Zip, nothing. Instead, China makes deals, and while innocents are being slaughtered, people like you write blog articles on how great they are. How can you even look in the mirror?

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Author

Well let’s not forget the $24 billion we’ve sent to Israel to support the active genocide in Gaza. The argument that the US can’t spend money in Africa because of the Ukraine war is completely false. The US has never had an interest in developing Africa, look back at the summits that started with Obama, nothing substantial has come from these summits and again their stated goal was to “stop the rise of China in Africa” not develop Africa. US government has the most amount of money/resources in world, if they wanted to develop Africa AND support Ukraine/Gaza, they easily could. But it’s not a priority and China sees the opportunity and is now the future of Africa. How can I look in the mirror simple…I read the facts and use common sense to analyze what’s happening in the real world

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Cyrus, I appreciate your passion for discussing global issues, but I’d encourage you to take a more nuanced view when analyzing U.S. foreign policy. It’s easy to criticize, but the picture is always more complicated. Rather than simply positioning the U.S. as perpetually in the wrong and China as the inevitable future, how about digging deeper into the role the U.S. could play in fostering genuine development, both in Africa and elsewhere? Criticism is important, but balanced insight can spark more meaningful discussions.

Looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts beyond just a pro-China lens—there’s a lot more to unpack on both sides of the global equation!

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Get a grip on the history starting with the US coup in 2014 and scuttling of the peace agreement.

Maybe you’re just a bot anyway so I’ll leave it at that

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The U.S. and its Western puppets/proxies are in rapid decline. They have dug their own graves. China is just knocking some dirt on top of them. Between using Ukraine to try and weaken Russia and supporting the Zionists' Genocidal Barbarism, the sooner the West evaporates, the better for the civilized world. Go China!

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SinoRich, apt name rich! The US orchestrated a fiscal and military proxy war on Russia, and the cost to American &European tax payers is solely the fault of a rapacious greed of American elites in the industrial military complex, how can you look in the mirror peddling such bias misinformation!

Read the Rand Document of American ambitions on world domination, the script adopted by US since 1989.. Cyrus is a well respected expert without being a stooge to zionist loving US elites.

I usually do not wade in on such so gross nonsense as your post SinoRich, but you opened a door, & I want on record your flagrant support of Western Supremacism, and your crass criticism of Cyrus.

The collapse of the US hegemon is imminent, get over it!

No need to respond, heard it all before,

Proffesor Neil Netherton.

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Well, "Proffesor" Neil, I'm flattered that you took time out of your busy schedule to wade through what you deem "gross nonsense." Let’s clear up some of your confusion. First off, the idea that the U.S. "orchestrated" a fiscal and military proxy war on Russia is quite the creative spin. Russia invaded Ukraine, unprovoked, in 2022. That's not a proxy war; that's an invasion by an autocratic regime. American and European support for Ukraine is about upholding international law and sovereignty, not some grand plan for world domination. But hey, I suppose reading a Rand document from 1989 is easier than dealing with facts.

As for your mention of the military-industrial complex—yeah, Eisenhower warned us about it. But blaming it for every geopolitical conflict is a lazy narrative. You might want to check which country benefits most from arms sales to rogue regimes… hint: it's not the U.S.

And Cyrus? I’m sure he’s a fine "expert" in certain circles. But throwing in "Zionist-loving elites" doesn’t win you credibility points—it just makes you sound like you’re fishing for conspiracy theories. Oh, and about that imminent collapse of the U.S. hegemony you’re eagerly awaiting: we’ve been hearing that since the Cold War. Might want to update your script.

But hey, you told me not to respond, so feel free to ignore everything I just said, since you've clearly "heard it all before." Cheers.

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Well you are correct nothing new here in your supremacist perspective of a world view, you could not help but double down on your nonsensical conclusions, Clearly your immersion in the marinade of delusional fantasy gives you personal comfort!

Again can you resist the urge to reply this time or is it too difficult to accept you have an opinion,that to many of us in the real world, is not backed by your confused assessment of the facts! Find your own thread to infect with a US warmongering agenda


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